The #1 Thing you need
to successfully support your teen
If you've tried everything you can think of to support your anxious or depressed child but nothing seems to be working, you're in the right place. This tool offers insights and advice to open up communication and strengthen connection between you and your teen/young adult. Inside you'll find:
How I define Connection
A discussion of the 4 Foundations of Connection
Strategies to generate lasting Influence with your teen
As a loving and concerned parent, all you want is for your teenager or young adult to be happy, right?
But if you're the mother of a teen or young adult who lives with extreme anxiety and depression, supporting them in getting there is much harder than it sounds.
Anxiety and depression set up barriers to your child's happiness and success. And the hardest part is, you never know what to expect. One moment you're having what feels like a great conversation with them, and the next they're shutting down or lashing out.​
The mothers I work with often feel powerless, frustrated and overwhelmed by the impact of anxiety and depression on their kids and their inability to change it.
If this sounds like you, download my tool The #1 Thing You Need to Successfully Support Your Teen by entering your name and email above to get some guidance and support on how to create calm and connection between you and your child.
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