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Three Simple Tools

for increasing connection with your teen

  • Tools for helping your teen feel heard and understood

  • How to set up quick regular checkins that build deep connection

  • Help your teenager open up about how they’re really feeling 

If you’re anything like me, you don’t get too many opportunities to really talk to your teen. Between work, school, homework, extra-curriculars, friends, and social media there’s hardly a moment when you and your teen are free at the same time. And when you do have a chance to catch your breath, the last thing either of you wants is to have a serious conversation. 


And yet . . . talking to your teen is the most direct route to connection with your teen. And connection with your teen is the only way to truly understand how they’re doing. 


If your teen has serious anxiety or depression, it can be even harder for them to open up. Their impulse will be to turn inward, sheltering themselves from the additional stress that comes from talking to a parent who is worried about them.


So . . . I have a few simple tools you can use to open up those lines of communication and talk to your teen. 

3 Simple Tools for Increasing Connection
3 Simple Tools for Increasing Connection
3 Simple Tools for Increasing Connection

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